Web GIS Solution for CGD Project Management along with Construction, Operation-Maintenance and Customer Management & Control Room Management. Work-flow from pipeline construction to customer registration and outage management.
Project definitions, design, materials and equipment, laying, installation, operations, maintenance and equipment, laying, installation, operations, maintenance and customer connectivity within network are recorded and relevant documents attached at appropriate indexes and referenced Geo Spatially.
Import Design Plan using by simple drag-drop tools on imagery. Publish detailed engineering survey features like topography, administrative boundaries, transportation features like roads, streets, POI’s like electric poles, manholes, trees etc. Switch between street map, satellite imagery, base map. Generate BOQ with pre-defined attributes and costs. Save BOQ in xls and Plan on PDF/SHP.
During Construction Each report from Grading, Trenching, Welding, Mauling, NDT to Hydrotest is entered using handheld/desktop along with respective GPS coordinate. Each Asset like “valve” are entered along with specifications and linked MTC.
Reports like Weld Book, Construction Progress, Asset Installation are generated. Search for each asset with Attribute and Test Report document. CNG Stations, Pipeline (Inch KM), Compression Capacity.
MDPE Construction
Field Mobility for Construction capture, Generate Daily progress, Pipe-Book, MWP, Fittings Installation, Crossing Report, Excavation/Restoration Report, Hindrance Reporting, Contractor Bill Generation & BOQ generation.
View Date wise Progress of MDPE Network Created, Fittings Installed, Excavation/Restoration/Pneumatic testing.
Real time monitoring of pipeline laying.
Geo-Referenced features and pipeline.
Autogenerate unique ID for line segment, fittings.
Quick preparation of as-builts.
Helps in quick inspection and approvals.
Simple field data capture using Mobile app in oNine mode.
Material Management
Material Tracking: Track Pipes and Fittings from PO, dispatch, Warehouse, Project Store, Issued for Construction and Consumed.
Material Reconciliation: Reconcile Design BOM/BOQ with Actual utilised. Reconcile contractor/LMC Issued with Consumed. Track Meters/Regulators in stock – issued to LMC – Installed at consumer. Track meters/regulators damaged/replaced.
Monitor Material Issued and Used in real time.
Reconciliation statement on the fly.
Measurement sheet for approving contractor bills.
Consumers Management
Consumer Survey: Mobility based consumer survey facility. ConsumerRegistration: Register Consumers with KYC, Security Deposit (as per schemes).
Consumer LMC: Last Mile Connections with fittings and pipe consumed, extra pipe charges.
ConsumerBilling: Auto Bill Generation of Registration, Gas Deposit, Gas Bill. Meter reader app (with handheld POS/Printer) for metered billing. Online payment Gateway integration, SMS integration.
Each Customer would be linked to the network.
Auto SMS alerts and messages.
List customers from the application based on City/GA/Area/Block/Apartment.
Thematics having distribution of customers, CNG stations, Commercial est.
Operation and Maintenance Management
Consumer Requests
Manage Consumer Requests for No Gas, Low Pressure, Disconnections, Reconnections etc.
Operator receives call for support from Customer/ Station/Control Room. Logs the details in the database. Locates the location on the GIS interface panel by searching the BP/CA number, Valve ID or location address.
Reports the response to the nearest Control Room, Authorities.
Auto Generation of Unique ID of all Fittings and Assets installed.
Alerts for Preventive Maintenance and Conditional Monitoring.
Generates Job card and Maintenance Report.
Mobile APP for updating maintenance status.
All Assets in a single Application
Search Assets along with their specifications
History of consumer registration on one click. Alerts for maintenance schedules
Alerts for warranty renewals
Document Management
All project related documents, whether, progress reports, test reports or specification and procedures are linked to the relevant reports. These are also available in a central document online database called ‘Documentation. Each document is accompanied with unique meta tags that can make a specific search easier later. The following are covered under this section.
Pipe information (Manufacturing history, inspection documents, test certificates of pipes and plates).
Pipe reconciliation statements
Material acceptance (Joint coating material manufacturers test certificates).
Manufacturers test certificates and site qualification test reports like filler material, electrode, epoxy etc.
Equipment data sheets and test certificates.
Procedure reports. Approved procedures, job procedures, welding procedures specification and qualification, QAP’s and ITP’s for all pipeline activities including terminals, SV stations, IP stations etc. All construction activity reports including crossings.
The EDMS module is searchable using metadata like category, sub category, type of document, vendor, material, remarks and document number.