The main aim in automation is overcoming the barriers to deliver effective services created by bureaucracy and departmentalization. Government’s major objective is to streamline governance and services so as to become more user-friendly and responsive to citizens needs and the costs of complying with government bureaucracy will be substantially reduced. Municipal Governance is to be automated in three ways – First, services and agencies are to be linked up horizontally; clear demarcation of functional areas between departments to be established; public services are to become more holistic, and agencies are to be encouraged to collaborate more actively in confronting social and terrorism-related problems. Secondly, the government will be ‘joined-up’ vertically to the general public who uses the services.

Public services are to be made more convenient for use, by means of such automated electronic facilities for lodging forms and direct telephone service lines, many of which will be available round the clock. And thirdly, policymakers will be ‘joined-up’ more effectively to operational managers, so that the strategic levels of government become more sensitive to the practical issues involved in delivering quality and effectiveness.
- The automation allows the display of all information on the screen, along with the graphics, maps and other integrated features like the current state of administration, the available resources and planning. The integrated information at one place allows optimum resource allocation and mobilization.
- Automation will allow the application of modern technologies like GIS, Remote Sensing and GPS for carrying out cost-effective, accurate, data collection, integration, analysis, planning, management and maintenance. The updation of the information will be regularized and the dynamic planning and decision making will be promoted.
- The sharing of technology and information between the different departments will become easier and more efficient and repetition of the activities will be avoided saving resources and time of the government machinery, it will go a long way in gearing up the current bureaucratic system of decision making.
- The transparency in the governance will increase as the public access to the information will be enabled and the monitoring of the corrupt procedures will be possible enhancing the reliability of the information.
GIS is still one level above this enabling layer of technologies, as it acts as a “Decision Support System” by providing analytical capabilities through simple and yet powerful visualization. In this context, the inherent capabilities of the technology offered in a GIS are looked upon as one having the potential to successfully cater to the specified requirements.
The Primary Objectives of the GIS Integrated Work Management System were
- Initiate a GIS centric business solution, which addresses the basic needs of various departments in a Municipal corporation.
- Develop a workflow system, which enables the user to locate the status of each task.
- A decision support system for the higher authorities
Providing services to the growing population is becoming increasingly difficult. GIS provides crucial planning input for infrastructure planning, land use planning, water distribution planning, town development and planning. GIS assist is eligible for central assistance under the sub-mission Urban Infrastructure and Governance.

Objectives of the LMIS
Acquisition/Alienation of land involves comprehensive processing stages and a large number of process milestones involving a number of entities and generation/maintenance of a large number of intermediate scheduled process-related documents. Efficient management of such large information base is essential for effective monitoring/control of the land acquisition/alienation process, winning public sentiment through the facilitation of timely/rational disbursement of compensation, claim settlements and control over financials.
The Following are Broad Objectives
- Better appreciation of the land base and the land management processes through visual representation.
- Facilitate GIS based monitoring of Land Acquisition/Alienation processed Resettlement & Rehabilitation activities, Corporate Social Responsibilities activities.
- GIS based Decision Support (DSS) tool (query/analysis) to assist the management in the decision making the process.
- Remote, secured web dissemination of map-based land information.
- Support to the project engineering/management team, utility service team through provision of appropriate land information.
What We Do?
- Conduct a detailed System Requirement study to facilitate analysis of the involved processes, availability of input data, identification of resource requirement (data, infrastructure, personnel and cost) at operational, management and strategic levels, identification of gap areas and to develop a detailed System Requirement Specification document.
- Development of Design Specifications covering Application Design, Database Design, Coding Specification, Application/Database testing Specifications for the LMIS.
- Development of GIS based integrated Land Management Information System(LMIS).
- Implementation & Commissioning of Land Management System.
- Conduct training programs for system users/decision makers/system administrators.
- Help in System Operations & Handholding for a mutually agreed period
The Users
Functionaries in the Land Section are the primary users of the Land Management Information System(LMIS). Besides, the system shall also be used by the IT Section, Resettlement & Rehabilitation (R&R) section, Corporate Social Rehabilitation (CSR) section and Utility Services departments. A brief description of the primary interest of different functional sections is as follows,
Land Section
- To monitor the land acquisition/alienation processes, identify the gap areas and implement remedial measures
- To assist the project engineering team in coordinating the Land Acquisition plan with the project engineering plan
- Following-up on the Government to accelerate the Land Acquisition/Alienation processes
- Tracking of award compensation/payment for the private land
- Keeping Record of Financial transactions.
- Use the above as Estate Information System in the future
IT Section
- Support in the management of Land Information database
- Generation of Decision Support/Strategic Information requirements
R&R Section
- Tracking of village wise project affected families (PAF)/project displaced families(PDF)
- Tracking of compensation in lieu of land as per the R&R policy of Govt. / Relocation of the displaced families in the R&R colon
CSR Section
- Planning and Implementation of CSR activities in the Project affected/periphery villages
- Keeping track of the Activities/Beneficiaries/Financials

Land Acquisition / Alienation Process
The process of land acquisition/alienation is initiated with the filing of land acquisition application with the state nodal agency for allotment of land to the Industries. On receipt of the application, the agency verifies the application along with the documents and requests for the administrative approval from the concerned administrative department. The private land documents are scrutinized, approved by IDCO and are sent to the concerned district Land Acquisition Officer (LAO) for initiation of the land acquisition process. The Govt. land documents are scrutinized, approved and sent to the concerned office of the Tehsildar for initiation of the alienation process.
Land Alienation / Acquisition
The Government land is classified into different land classes based on their recorded land type mentioned in the Record of Right (RoR). The Government land is usually categorized into the land classes such as Leasable, Gochar, Communal, Forest and Departmental. The land alienation is executed by the office of the concerned tehsildar through a number of procedural steps for each land classes based on statuary requirements. The private land is acquired through the land acquisition process executed by the office of the concerned district Collector. Private land acquisition process involved a number of important procedural milestones and involves higher public interactions.

System Overview
The Land Management Information System(LMIS) shall be installed at the Server facilities available at the Information Technology Section located at the Common Site Office building. The Land department shall be able to access the system through high bandwidth internet connectivity. The central server-based Land Management Information System shall be accessible through Intranet based on the Local Area Network (LAN) facility available. The major components of the system setup are as follows.
Application Features
Unistal’s Land Management Information System (LMIS) is a web-enabled system with the following application features:
Client Server Architecture: Separation of the server-side components from the client side components resulting in efficient code execution and also implement application load balancing. The multitier application shall enhance execution efficiency and code maintenance.

User Interface: The user interface shall be ergonomically designed with menu driven application component access, selection of appropriate color, controls, application messages, context-sensitive help to facilitate easy application access and long hours of operation.
Application Security: The application shall be embedded with multiple security layers with appropriate security logic to restrict unauthorized access to the system components.
Standard Geo-database: Implementation of standardized Geo database definition shall facilitate data compatibility and interoperability.
Documentation: The application shall be provided with a help document system to provide assistance on the operation of the application software
Scalability: The application shall be developed on standard system architecture and application design to facilitate future upgradation and feature expansion.
Functional Components
The Land Management Information System shall be developed as an integrated application with multiple functional components loosely coupled with a common data repository. The functional components are governed by the application security rules and are accessible by the users with the appropriate combination of application and object-level privileges. A brief description of the core functionalities of the different application components is described as follows.
- Land Acquisition/Alienation Monitoring Component
- Resettlement & Rehabilitation Monitoring Component
- Land Acquisition/Alienation Monitoring Application Component
Feature Highlights
- Secured Component accessibility through user-id and password
- Privilege based availability of component features
- Standard user interface with common controls for menu and database
- Customized user interface for map-based application components
- Client-side data validation routines for data input interfaces
- Map maneuvering controls (Zoom in/out, Extent, Pan etc.)
- Map Controls (Table of Content, Map View, Map Layout)
- Query builder for the generation of query datasets
- Map/ Chart/ Text-based preformatted report
- Query-based user-defined maps/ reports
- Map tools (Distance/proximity measurement, Information window, feature selection)
Sample Reports
- Report on land schedule/land class wise maps
- Summarization of land class wise area for alienation/acquisition ( maps/reports/charts)
- Progress of land alienation/acquisition at project/village levels (maps/reports/charts)
- Identification of project/villages wise process gap areas (maps/reports)
- Print generation of land alienation/acquisition process documents
- Project/village/plant utility level projected completion of land alienation/acquisition processes. (report/chart)
- Land alienation/acquisition process time overrun (report/chart)
- Project/ villages/plant utility wise plot linked compensation payment status (maps/reports)
- Project/ villages/ plant utility wise plot linked compensation possession status (maps/reports)
- Land process based Financial Reports
- Village wise no. of Project Affected/Project Displaced families (map/report)
- Village wise report on socio-economic parameters of Project Affected/Displaced families (map/report)
- Distribution of beneficiary type (R&R policy 2006)
- Progress of work in R&R colony (map)
- Payment of compensation to the PAF/PDFs (map/report)
- Status of eviction of project displaced families (map/report)
- Relocation details of PAF/PDFs (report)
- Rehabilitation details (occupation, training, income) details of the PAF/PDFs.
Input Data Requirements
The Land Management Information System (LMIS) shall maintain voluminous/comprehensive data related to the land base, land acquisition/alienation processes, implementation of R&R activities, implementation of corporate social responsibilities. A preliminary study was conducted to evaluate the data need for the development of the information system.
After acceptance/approval of detailed System Requirement Specification, the development of the Land Management System shall include the following.
- System Design Specification document
- Land Management System – Compiled Application
- Land Management System – Compiled Application
- Land Management System - Application
- User’s Manual
- System Manual
Installation & Commissioning
Installation & commissioning of the Land Management Information System shall require the deployment of the hardware as per the configurations/specifications provided in the Hardware Requirement Section.
- Installation of GIS Server Software
- Installation of the GIS Editing Software
- Installation of the Database Server Software
- Configuration of Web Server
- Installation of Land Information Management System
- Installation/Configuration of geo-database
- Installation of Application
- Application testing/tuning